Sparkling Gold

The Lord said, “Come drink, although the water tastes bitter. Drink when you are thirsty and dry. Drink when you are heavily burdened. Come, don’t be denied. Drink for the water gets sweeter the closer you get to the cross. You ask for much. Much is given, but you must pick up my cross.”
Just as the potter molded and remade his vessel, I am shaping and remolding you. For I must reconstruct your foundation, that your heart may be found pure and true.
He picked up this broken vessel and began to do a work. He peeled and scraped and polished. Oh, I felt so hurt! Just when I thought he had finished, He picked up this vessel again. He said, “No, there is still something lacking, I need to go back again.”
Although I grew faint and weary, sometimes almost gave up, I knew it was for my making. I had to drink the bitter cup. Oh, how I struggled and trembled, just the thought of the pain. Just when I thought I had made it, I had to go back again.
This time He was turning this vessel, as a master with his violin. He began to smooth out rough edges. I began to really know Him. After many days He said, “Come, drink of the new water. Come drink of the new wine at the well. Come, drink in the Holy Spirit, now that you have drunk, be fed”.
He held up this vessel that was broken, this piece of clay He made whole. He said, “Child, you are precious, precious as sparkling gold.